PAC News forum


by Prospect Lake PAC - Friday, 1 October 2021, 1:06 PM


Tuesday October 5: Individual Photo Day

Monday October 11: LAST day to order Hot Lunch *we can not accept late orders*

Monday October 11: Thanksgiving Day, school not in session

Thursday October 14: COPACS Meeting, 7:00pm via MS Teams:

Friday October 15: Hot Lunch!

Tuesday October 26: PAC Meeting



As of today, Friday October 1, 2021, the Saanich Police Department have begun ticketing vehicles parked along Prospect Lake Road.  As it is difficult to find parking at both drop off and pick up, we would like to remind our PLES families that there is additional parking available a short walk away at both Whitehead Park (down Prospect Lake Rd) and the Prospect Lake Community Hall (up Sparton).


Click the “register” button at the top right-hand corner to sign up.  

Our school code is Prospect

Enter your name, email address and phone number then a user ID that you will use for access to the system.  Enter a password and then enter it again to verify it’s correct.  Once registered, you will be logged into the website.  Please add your Prospect Lake students by clicking the “students” button below or the “profile” menu tab to proceed.  Once the students have been added you will be able to place orders by clicking the “order” button below each child’s name.  We’ll let you know when the first menu is up and ready.  

We strongly encourage you to create an account as we will often use this system for other school events and fundraisers.

The online system is designed to create only one account per family.  If you require a second account, please enter your user info then submit a support request.  

For complete detailed instructions, please click HERE


We need your help!  The PAC is looking for volunteers for the following:

Class Representatives

Each classroom (division) requires a parent volunteer.  The volunteer helps assist the teacher as needed.  They are also responsible for helping organize and facilitate a Christmas and Year End thank you gift from the class.  Divisions 1, 5 and 10 already have a representative, we are looking for volunteers for Divisions 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13.


Grade 5 Class Representative

The Grade 5 Class Representative is a parent, or parents, with a child in the current graduating class.  They are responsible for organizing grad clothing, a grad event, liaising with the school on fundraising and managing the selling of the Country Grocer gift cards, and the yearbook.  This year we have Michelle overseeing the yearbook, yet we are still in need of a parent or parents to coordinate the rest of activities.


Christmas Art Cards

This is an amazing fundraiser for the PAC.  Each year the staff and students work very hard to create one-of-a-kind pieces of art.  The pieces of artwork are then photographed into 5 x 7 images, printed, and adhered to white card stock.  The product, a collection of your individual child’s art, or a mixed packaged of various student’s winter art.  They make great seasonal cards and presents! 

We are looking for parents to assist with collecting the student’s artwork, photographing the individual art pieces, having the photos printed and sorted, assembling the cards (gluing photos to card stock), and distributing the final collections to the classrooms.


Please help us raise funds for our children and school with these ongoing fundraisers:  

  • Save your receipts from Country Grocer and your Canadian Tire money. Place them in the bin on Secretary, Mrs. Blackwell’s desk 
  • If you shop at Cobb’s Bread, please mention Prospect Lake School before you pay. 5% of what you spend comes back to the school. 
  • If you shop at Peninsula Co-op or buy gas at Save on Gas, please quote membership number #79184 

Please make sure to thank these local businesses for the support they provide our school.  


Please feel free to connect with us at any time: