Hello Families,
We have an opportunity to raise some funds for Prospect Lake at the Saanich Fair this year.
Stelly’s Secondary has taken on the responsibility for the SD#63 food booth at the fair this year. They need some volunteers to help run the booth. They'll be working Thursday, August 29th (9am) through September 2nd (closing time). If you can spare a few hours, Stelly's will give some proceeds to our school for your efforts. Stelly's can offer ½ price admission for all volunteers. This means you can volunteer to help set up before the fair gets going (Thursday or Friday) and then get in for half price.
Please consider giving some time if you can. Please respond to neborden@shaw.ca (Nancy Borden) with when you can help out and please CC us, so we make sure we receive proceeds for your contribution also.
With thanks,
Prospect Lake PAC