PAC News forum

July Reminders

July Reminders
by Prospect Lake PAC - Thursday, 11 July 2013, 8:24 PM

Hello Families,

We hope you are all enjoying a fun summer. Our school garden is coming along well thanks to the families who have signed up to water. Three reminders for you:

1. If you are shopping at Cob's Bread, please mention Prospect Lake School. They donate a percentage of purchase price to the PAC at the end of each school year.

2. Pick up soccer every Monday night at 7pm at Prospect Lake soccer field. Bring a red and white shirt for teams. All ages and abilities welcome.

3. The very inspring video about our school garden project is now posted on You Tube also, the Voice of Saanich has an article about our school

See you in September,

Your Prospect Lake PAC