PAC News forum

Weekly Reminders

Weekly Reminders
by Prospect Lake PAC - Tuesday, 23 April 2019, 9:48 AM

Important Dates 

Thursday April 25: Grade 4/5 drama club musical

Sunday April 28: Deadline to order Spring flowers

Wednesday May 1: Staff appreciation lunch

Saturday, May 4: Family BBQ Picnic and Market

Tuesday, May 14: PAC meeting

Spring flowers/Mother’s Day hanging baskets

Want to get your garden ready for the summer, or surprise your wife, mother (in law) with a nice hanging basket? You can order your spring flowers online! Go to to order your herbs, veggie plants or flowers. The order deadline is Sunday, April 28. Flowers will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, May 8th.

PAC Meeting

Thank you for those who joined us at the PAC meeting on Tuesday April 16th. To read the minutes which contains the budget report, principal report and COPAC report please click HERE.

Staff appreciation lunch

On Wednesday, May 1st our Prospect Lake school families will host a “Family Favourites” potluck lunch to thank the Prospect Lake Staff for all the support and care they give to our children. We will also provide bouquets of flowers for each classroom and we need your help!

If you would like to participate please prepare your family’s favourite delicious dish and drop it off for the event. Sign up here:

Please send your child to school on the morning of Wednesday, May 1st with some flowers or greenery (from your yard is fine). Volunteers in the undercover area will arrange bouquets for every classroom.

You can drop off your contributions to the lunch at the kitchen/gym in the morning no later than 10:30 am. Please aim to make a dish that serves 8-10 people and include a note with your dish that includes your name, the name and origin of the dish, the main ingredients or allergens and any instructions about warming or serving.

Thank you for your help in supporting the staff at Prospect Lake School.

Interested in helping the PAC?

 Our May PAC executive election is just around the corner. We invite all parents and care takers to think about some of the opportunities to help next year. Click here to see if there’s a role you think you’d like to fill. If you would like to put your name forward for a nomination, please send us an email to <span lang="EN"><u></u></span>.

Contact us  
If you have any feedback or questions about your PAC fundraising or activities, please email us at