PAC News forum

PAC Class Reps

PAC Class Reps
by Prospect Lake PAC - Tuesday, 3 November 2015, 4:02 PM

The PAC would like to thank the following people who have volunteered to be their PAC Class Representative.  


Div. 1 Grade 4/5 Mrs. Evans: Carrie McDonnell 

Div. 2 Grade 4/5 Ms. Close: Kevin and Kathy Alexander  

Div. 3 Grade 3 Mrs. Hamilton:  Lise Lembcke 

Div. 4 Grade 2/3 Mrs. Lail: Vanessa Kriberg 

Div. 5 Grade 1/2 Ms. Colette: Tracy Johns                                     

Div. 6 Grade 1 Mrs. Schwann: Darcy Wiltse, Jessica Adam 

Div. 7 Kindergarten Mrs. Harward: Penny Robertson  

Div. 8 Kindergarten Mrs. Gladwin: Lorne Eldridge   


The Class Rep's role is to promote and facilitate communication between the classroom and the Prospect Lake PAC.  


Throughout the year, Class Reps will collect contact information and will be in touch with parents about a variety of things. Class Reps are encouraged to attend the monthly PAC meetings or to contact the PAC Executive with classroom feedback at any time.   


General comments and inquiries can be directed to your Class Rep. However, if you have specific concerns about your child's education please communicate those to your child's teacher and/or school administrators.