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Prospect News!!

Picture of Gabby Blackwell
Prospect News!!
by Gabby Blackwell - Thursday, 23 October 2014, 1:46 PM

 Weekly Reminders: Thursday, October 23

  • Spellathon money and Communication consent forms are due back to your child’s classroom teacher ASAP. Cash or cheque made to SD63.

  • Thanks to all families who helped make our October 18 Bottle Drive a success. We raised more than $700.00 for the “Artist in Residence” program for all students.

  • Non-Instructional Day: Friday, October 24.  No students in session.

  • Halloween Family BBQ and Dance: Friday, October 24, 6:00 – 8:30 PM. DJ Carrot Top has got your songs requests ready, the delicious concession is ready to BBQ and bakers will be dropping off spooktacular treats. Come join in with your school community, let’s celebrate together! Don’t miss this event.

  • This is a family dance and adults must stay to supervise their children. No gory or scary costumes please.

  • Please bring your carved pumpkins to the gym on Thursday, or to the dance on the 24th to decorate the gym. Remember to take them home afterwards. LED candles supplied.

  • If you find you can now help out at the dance, please contact Shannon at <span style="color: #00000a;" color="#00000a"><span style="font-family: Arial,serif;" face="Arial, serif"></span></span>. We could still use a few people.

  • Admission by donation to support the PAC.

  • Glow sticks for sale! Five for $1.00, or .25 each. Available at reception table.

  • Come have your dinner here! There will be a BBQ concession run by grade five families as a fundraiser for Camp Thunderbird. (BBQ hamburgers/veggie burger, hotdogs, popcorn, coffee/tea, water, home baking and more). Pay by cash or cheque.

  • Thanks to all who have volunteered to decorate, bake and more!

  • Family Read-In at School: Monday, October 27, 8:45 – 9:15 AM. All family members welcome to come read with our students. We need you!

  • SD63 Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils Presentation: “Multi-Age Classrooms: The How and The Why?”: Monday, October 27th, 7:30pm. North Saanich Middle School in the Learning Commons. The presentation will be followed by a question  and answer period. Please RSVP to to hold your space. Panel of speakers includes:
    -Dale Jarvis, Sidney Elementary Classroom & Learning Support Teacher & Vice Principal
    -Jodi Beaudry, North Saanich Middle School, Classroom & Learning Support Teacher
    -Dr. Keven Elder, District Superintendent

  • Hot Lunch: Friday, October 31 (Ali Baba Pizza). If you would like celiac friendly (gluten free) lunch for your child on hot lunch days, please contact Tracy Johns at 250-665-6685 or

  • School Pumpkin Run & Crazy Hair Day: Friday, October 31, 1:45 – 2:48 PM. Fun run for all students.

  • Beverage Containers: Please save your rinsed out beverage containers (no milk or almond/soy please) and drop off to the school in bags. Deliver to the shed near the playground. This fundraising will continue throughout the year. Grade Five students will sort, count and return for refund to help with their June Camp Thunderbird trip.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

  • Remembrance Day Ceremony: Thursday 6th November @ 10am

  • Whole School Goldstream Park Fieldtrip: Tuesday, November 25. Details TBA. Families are welcome to join in with the naturalist programs and fieldtrip. Adult volunteers also needed to help serve hotdog/veggie dogs and hot chocolate to students.