PAC News forum


by Prospect Lake PAC - Monday, 22 May 2023, 11:35 PM

We would like to invite all parents and guardians to join us tonight, Tuesday, May 23rd, at 7:00pm for our PAC meeting and the AGM to follow.  Even if you've never been to a PAC meeting before, or it's been months since you've attended one, everyone is welcome and encouraged to come.  Doors and MS Teams will open at 6:45pm with tea and treats available.

We are still accepting nominations for the President, or Co-Presidents, and the Treasurer positions.  Nominations will be accepted up to and during the meeting.  There will be discussion during the PAC meeting regarding the specific duties each role entails, job sharing and task delegations.  There will be an opportunity to ask questions of current executive members. 

Tomorrow's meeting will be held in person at the school in the Learning Commons (library) or from the comfort of your home via Microsoft Teams (link below). 

When you join us in person, please enter the school through the main front doors, sanitize your hands, sign in at Mrs. Blackwell’s desk. 

Masking is optional, and choices are respected. 

May’s meeting agenda can be found HERE.

Parking is available in the upper lot at the school.

Microsoft Teams Link: Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 299 271 474 308Passcode: MmnK2p

Call In (Audio Only): +1 437-703-5266,,872747413#

Phone Conference ID: 872 747 413#