Front Page News

Update on Teacher Job Action

Picture of Kelly Urarii
Update on Teacher Job Action
by Kelly Urarii - Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 2:28 PM
March 7, 2012, Message from Superintendent, Dr. K. Elder...

As of Thursday March 8, 2012 teachers will have returned from a three-day withdrawal of services. At that time, ALL schools will be open and operating on their normal schedules. Until the passage of Bill 22 in the Provincial legislature teachers across the province will remain in "phase one" job action. This means that teachers will not be communicating with administrators, completing report cards, doing playground duty, attending staff meetings or other duties previously legally withheld under an order of the Labour Relations Board.

Once Bill 22 is enacted, the job action will cease and teachers will resume their normal contractual duties. This could occur sometime during the week of March 12th, but until the bill passes the BCTF is within its legal right to have teachers withdraw services one day per week. We look forward to having these matters resolved as soon as possible and will keep you updated through our website in the meantime.