PAC News forum

Weekly Reminders

Weekly Reminders
by Prospect Lake PAC - Monday, 31 May 2021, 3:10 PM

Important upcoming dates:

Tuesday, June 29 : Last Day of School

PAC Meeting:

Click HERE for the minutes from our last PAC meeting, along with attachments.

Staff Appreciation: 

We are hoping to arrange another random act of kindness to help show our support and appreciation to all the school staff and are looking for your help. As we are part of a farming community we thought it would be fun to collect farm fresh eggs for the staff.  If you have chickens and feel you can spare some eggs we are going to be collecting them next week June 1st, thru 3rd. and handing them out on June 4th. Eggs can be dropped off at the office on any of those days.  If you send them to school with your child, please have them bring them directly to the office.  If you have any questions or want to make alternate arrangements please email Shelly at

Thank you!

Country Grocer Receipts:

Don't forget to send in your Country Grocer Receipts. We receive a percentage back for every receipt we can submit!