Front Page News


Picture of Anita Ko
by Anita Ko - Sunday, 5 April 2020, 1:56 PM

April 5, 2020

Hello Prospect Lake Families,

We hope this update finds you well and safe. It certainly has been a week full of adjustments and we thank you for your support and patience.  We are grateful for the positive messages many of you have sent to staff as they work to translate their teaching expertise and learning experiences for you at home.  Through the communications and re-connections with families this week, the common theme for staff is that we miss our Prospect Lake students, especially their smiles and energy!


Remote Learning 

Following the directions of both the Province and the School District

  • Students in K-5, learning opportunities and activities will be suggested for 5 hours per week.
  • By April 15, 2020, all teachers will be providing a continuity of learning, though teachers may provide their students with activities to work on at home as early as next week.
  • We are encouraging our teachers to build slowly to ensure students and families are comfortable with the new world of remote learning.
  • We are not replicating class learning or developing distance learning classes.
  • Activities offered will be a mix of low or no-tech offerings, as well in some cases access to online activities.
  • You can expect contact from your child’s teacher weekly and more.  There will be variation from class to class and week to week.
  • Please keep in mind that the delivery of learning at home opportunities will vary from class to class. 


We understand that each family have unique circumstances as they prepare for remote learning.  Families are encouraged and supported to do what they can, when they can. Family and emotional needs first!

  • When families just can't get to the learning opportunities provided, we encourage the following family-based activities: reading together, playing board games involving language and math skills, playing outside, getting out in nature, cooking/building together, sharing fun family stories, keeping gratitude journals/activities.
  •  For those families who desire more and are able to engage in extra, we will be able to direct you to additional helpful websites to support your children’s learning.


  • Devices:   Currently the district is working on prioritizing devices for staff and will be looking at prioritizing student needs shortly.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you may need a device.  There will be learning opportunity options that include low tech/no tech options.
  • Medication/essential items: If families need to pick up essential items from the school such medication/eyeglasses, please let their teacher know.  An opportunity with times and dates will follow must likely after April 15.
  • Prospect Lake Learning Services Team and EA support staff – As teachers plan for learning by mid-April, members of our learning services team will be reaching out to families of students who require more specialized and unique supports this coming week and working on a plan for supports in the upcoming weeks.


While the learning plan for our students continues to evolve, here are some suggestions for home as you prepare for overseeing the plan: 

  • Break up activities into chunks of time 20-30 minute....or less (your child will guide the way on this one and you will learn very quickly which activities your child can do forever and which ones will need to be shortened. Your child's teacher will likely send some suggestions on how to structure a learning day which you can tailor to meet your child's needs.)
  • screen time limits for students (yes, super hard at this time)  Once again, you know your child best; however, encourage playing with toys, yard play, reading a book, drawing, arts and crafts, etc.
  • brain breaks/movement breaks are key to learning. Rain or shine students can regularly get outside and breathe in some fresh air. Your child's teacher and I will be sending lots of suggestions for breaks smile 
  • a schedule and a routine- Make a plan, with your child, on how each day will look and try to stick to it, as best you can. 
  • location- Decide together areas in the house for supplies and where activities will take place.
  • Breathe -There are no experts in the crowd, as this is a first for all of us. We are being asked to surrender, be present, and create a new normal for our children. When we look back, perhaps the biggest lesson our children will learn from this period of time is how to respond to adversity with loving kindness, care and compassion. 

As always, we are grateful for the Prospect Lake School Community and we are certain to get through this…slow and steady.   

Big hugs (virtually),

Ms. Ko and Ms. Lail and Prospect Lake Staff