PAC News forum

Spring Fair Reminders - 2 more weeks

Spring Fair Reminders - 2 more weeks
by Prospect Lake PAC - Thursday, 11 May 2017, 11:58 PM

Hello Families,

The Spring Fair is coming up in 2 weeks. 

Volunteer Sign-Up - 50% of the way there1

We have 50% of the time slots filled up for volunteering - so it's time to talk to the family, older siblings, very intelligent pets and help out with volunteering. We need a lot of volunteers to pull off a great night for our families. Volunteering is fun. Commitments are for an hour, even when you volunteer you still get to enjoy everything the night offers. Have older kids? We encourage them to sign up to help as well. All volunteer opportunities include a volunteer leader who will help you know what to do.

Sign up here.


We need a lot more toys!! - Toy Donations Needed 

Thanks to all who have dropped off toys for our spring fair toy sale so far.  If you have any unwanted items in good shape at home please bring them in - this is a great way to clear out some space!  We are accepting toys, games, puzzles, books, clean stuffed animals, age appropriate video games and movies, and knickknacks too.  Please leave them in the kitchen outside the multi-purpose room.  Your contributions are much appreciated. 


Silent Auction Donations – We need more!

Each year your PAC holds a Silent Auction to raise funds for projects around the school. Donations can be from your family business, or something you ask for from a local business you support.  We need your donations now. Please think of what your family could contribute and be creative. Can you make something? Can you donate something you no longer use that's in great condition? Donations can be left in the small kitchen near the Multipupose Room  (any high value items or gift cards to Mrs. Blackwell please).  If you are willing to ask a local business for a donation, please let us know, so we ensure we don’t ask more than once at each business. We can provide you with a donation request letter if helpful also. 


Make a Cake for the CakeWalk

Have a passion for baking or a great idea for a fun cake? Show it off by decorating and donating a cake for the Cake Walk at our Spring Fair! There will be ribbons for the top cakes in two categories (child decorated and adult decorated).

How to participate

1.     Down the CakeWalk form here.

2.     Come up with a cake or cupcake idea (cupcakes should be packaged in 6’s).

3.     Bake and decorate.

4.     Fill in the registration form and attach to the cake (name on back).

5.     Bring to the gym on the morning of May 26th for judging.

6.     Be sure to indicate allergens (circle all that apply).

7.     Remember to use a disposable cake plate or tray.

8.     Have fun!