PAC News forum

Dessert Party & PAC Meeting: Thursday, Jan 19 - Everyone Welcome!

Dessert Party & PAC Meeting: Thursday, Jan 19 - Everyone Welcome!
by Prospect Lake PAC - Tuesday, 17 January 2017, 10:04 AM

Prospect Lake Elementary PAC Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 19, 2017, 7:00 – 8:30 pm



1.     Welcome, Introductions, Approval of Agenda, Meeting reminders.


2.     Principal’s Report - Mark Guiguet


3.     COPACS report – Jon Waters & Derrick Donaldson


4.     Treasurer’s Report – Tynke Landsmeer

·       Fundraising update


5.     President’s Report – Alicia Pine & Jenny Eastman

·       Vancouver Island Parent Conference: Saturday, Feb 25 at Royal Bay Secondary

·       Update on Grant Writing Team

·       Update on Emergency Preparedness

·       Online Order System for Hot lunch etc.

·       Hot Lunch fees

·       Spring Fundraising options: Spring flowers, Spring Art Cards, Purdy’s, Red Barn, Spring Fair

·       Planning for Spring Fair: Friday, May 27


6.     New Business


Upcoming PAC Meetings and School Events:  

·       Monday, Feb 20 – PAC Meeting

·       Tuesday, March 14 – PAC Meeting

·       Wednesday, April 19 – PAC Meeting

·       Monday, May 15 – PAC Meeting & Elections



Please help us raise funds for your children and school with these ongoing fundraisers:

·       Save your receipts from Country Grocer and Canadian Tire money. Place them in the bin on Secretary, Mrs. Blackwell’s desk

·        Cob’s Bread: Mention Prospect Lake School before you pay. 5% of what you spend comes to the school.

·        Peninsula Co-op or Save on Gas: Quote membership number#79184.

·       Red Barn gift cards: We offer these for sale each month and Red Barn gives the school 10% back.

·       QSP Magazine Fundraiser: Order online

·       Please make sure to thank these local businesses for the support they provide our school!


Contact your PAC at: <b><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size:10.0pt"></span></b>