Upcoming Events
10 Remembrance Day Assembly
11 Remembrance Day Holiday
14 Non-Instructional Day (no students)
16 PAC Meeting @ 7:00
19 Grade Five Bottle Drive
25 Hot Lunch
25 – 28 Book Fair in the library
10 - 18 Poinsettia Sale
Poinsettia Pick Up in the gym (date and time to be announced)
7 & 8 Skating at Panorama
14 Winter Concert @ 12:30 and 5:00
Staff Changes
I am sorry to report that Mrs. Hrynk Foreman and Mrs. Jamieson are both currently on medical leave. Our entire school community wishes them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Rashleigh, who currently shares a grade one class with Mrs. Schwann, will replace Mrs. Hrynk Foreman until her return. Mrs. Bailey, who shares the grade three class with Mrs. Jamieson, will teach the class full time until her return. I would also like to welcome Mrs. Swift to our staff. She will be working as a learning assistance and instructional support teacher on Monday and Friday mornings, and on Wednesday until recess.
Ongoing communication with your child's teacher is very important and November is the month when teachers will be reporting about your child’s progress in a formal manner. Individual student reports will be sent home during the last two weeks of November. Terminology such as assessment and evaluation may be encountered by parents during this time and it is important to understand that they represent different aspects of determining a student's progress. Assessment is a formative process of collecting information that a child knows, is able to do and is learning to do. This information is gathered in many ways and is used by both the child and teacher to develop effective learning plans. Evaluation is the process of making judgments and decisions on a child's progress based on evidence gathered for the purpose of goal setting or reporting. The teacher or the student may do evaluation independently or in collaboration. Finally, reporting is the process of presenting and communicating information about a student’s learning and progress, gained through evaluation and based on identified standards. Reporting may be done in writing, through a conference or informally. The processes of assessment, evaluation and reporting are ongoing but we have three formal written reports each year (November, March and June). Your child's teacher will inform you of when their report will be sent home this November.
Remembrance Day Assembly
Our annual Remembrance Day Assembly took place on Thursday, November 10th at 10:00 am. It was a beautiful ceremony where our students sang songs and shared poems paying tribute to the men and women who have served, and continue to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces. I commend our students for their focus and respect during this important assembly.
Winter Weather
With the blustery, wet weather we are now experiencing we encourage you to have your child(ren) dressed appropriately for the conditions. Unless it is raining heavily, we will go outside for fresh air and active play during our recess times. Having long sleeved clothing and outdoor shoes is important in keeping the children warm. This will be especially important if an earthquake should occur requiring children to remain outside for an extended period of time.
Our school field trip was an enormous success! The weather was perfect and the children had an opportunity to be together and enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the park and the salmon run. Thank you to the many parents who volunteered and to Tim Hortons on Borden Street for donating all of the hot chocolate. Also, a thank you to Country Grocer for donating the oranges, hot dogs and buns.