Front Page News


Picture of Gabby Blackwell
by Gabby Blackwell - Sunday, 30 October 2016, 7:42 PM

Life Threatening Allergies

At Prospect we have nine children who have anaphylactic (life threatening) allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and sesame seeds. Special days like Halloween are examples of celebrations with friends and food. However, since there are students in our school with life-threatening food allergies these students are especially at risk during these times. You can help to keep allergic students safe by celebrating with stickers, games or prizes instead of food. 

Therefore, for all of the families in our school, we ask that you do not send or bring any Halloween candies or other edible treats to school for children to share prior to, or after Halloween.


Monday, Oct. 31

Dress In Black and Orange Day – No costumes please.

Great Pumpkin Run: The Run will be similar to the Terry Fox Run. Classes will come to the gym for a warm up at 12:50. We will then move onto Adam Kerr field and walk/run until 1:25 at which time a bell will ring to announce the end of the run and children will be dismissed for recess.