Front Page News


Picture of Gabby Blackwell
by Gabby Blackwell - Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 2:37 PM
If your child is in the following class/division they have a make-up skating field trip tomorrow:
Mrs. Evans - Div. 1
Mrs. Bailey - Div. 4
Mrs. George/Miss Rashleigh - Div. 6
Mrs. Gladwin - Div. 9

Children should be dressed warmly with a pair of mittens or gloves.  For younger skaters it is helpful to wear a pair of muddy-buddies or ski pants.  An extra pair of pants at school that day might be a good idea.  All children must wear a properly fitted hockey helmet or bike helmet when they are on the ice.

Attached is a copy of the information letter and  permission form that was sent home.